Maryland Appalachian Trail #1, 5-11-2024 (partial)

Distance - 3.3 (6.3) mi
Time - 2:11 (3:55)
Total Ascent - 304 (1008) ft
Total Descent - 832 (1662) ft
Max Elevation - 1818 ft
Min Elevation - 1248 (999) ft
NOTE: I left this hike at the lunch stop so the map, profile, and data files only reflect the first part of the hike. The numbers above in parentheses are approximate values for those who finished the entire hike. The blue line on the map shows the second half of the hike (which I did not do). To see a profile of the entire hike, choose one of the dates that does not say "partial".
Click on square at upper-right of map to open in full-page view.

Download GPX file here.

Download KML file here.
Click on the profile to download it as a pdf file
Stacks Image 34